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4 Subjects

Introduction to Chapter 1 p. 13

Introduction to Chapter 1 p. 13

Q Introduction to Chapter 1 p. 13 Discuss are three or four themes about self-identity in this introduction. Instructions: 1. 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences. 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to to specific passages from the reading in your own words. 3. Then respond to at least one other different post, commenting in a substantive way. 4. Extra points if you respond to someone who has commented on your post. Resources Canvas guidesLinks to an external site. and supplemental resources are provided to help you complete each activity. Please familiarize yourself with the provided resources before beginning your work. How do I reply to a discussion? (Canvas Guide) Grading Rubric Please see the grading rubric for guidance on what is expected for full credit. Click the "snowman" icon (3 vertical dots in the upper left corner of the screen), then select "Show Rubric." Mobile users: Click Grades, then click into the Discussion. The rubric can then be found on the Grades tab.

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I believe even today people don't know who they are. People are still discovering themselves and it takes some time. Self- Discovery is one of the main popular topics in society. People are always being ask "who are you as a person?" and some people will answer and others won't. Self- Discovery is finding who you are as a person, ethnicity , gender, family status, etc. I think the time where people do find their self discovery is in high school, probably middle school as well. People just know and they are happy with it. Other takes time because they don't know and won't know till they are like 25 for example or even older.